Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tuesday progress

So, I'm thinking that Babs isn't coming back. Haven't heard from her in three days, haven't had a reply to my text message - so, I pretty much figure she's moved on.

Today, just to keep things interesting, I totally reorganized the office supply closet. Threw out a bunch of stuff, piled all of the unused computer stuff high in the bathroom on the counter.

Still have a TON of filing to do. But, I plan to re-organize all of the files, put away a bunch of files that are no longer used into boxes, create new files and a filing system for some clients, and add more organizational oompf.

Secret Agent Man came by today - he was talking to me about my air conditioner, how it was undersized, how it was a cheap brand, how .. it could all be improved .. it was just so butch.

Mikey seems to be upset with me. He's not talking. Interestingly, the realtor is ignoring me too - and the commercial lease deal that I brought him. Time to move on as far as that goes.

Have to be up EARLY tomorrow to drive to the Woodlands. Have to be there before 8:00; which means leaving here before 7:00. I'll be gone almost all day Friday and Saturday as well. Sunday, of course, is always jam packed. So, my next day of availability is Monday.

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