Thursday, July 20, 2006

And yet

Another person who knew nothing of my nascent employment today - something I've known about for nearly two months, maybe three, have been talking about (but only to people who interview me for what is happening in my life, instead of expecting a monologue.)

Good lord, though, the office is going to be in Del Lago. It's a gorgeous place, but ..can you imagine? Up the beltway to I-45 and THEN, the drive JUST gets started. Six bucks in tolls a day, and about 100 miles a day in driving. But, it's very exciting.

I learned so much today - why cell phones are called "cell," what GSM stands for, how GSM works, how TDMA works, how GDMA works, how CDMA works (it's really the best system,) and much more. It was a great meeting.

But, I left the house at 6:45 a.m. (as Guy said .. "are the roads even open at that hour?") And got home at 8:00 ON a conference call for NV, which lasted until 9:00. So, I'm out of meds, I'm out of food, didn't have time to pick something up, and have to leave the house tomorrow at 7:45 AFTER printing up a bunch of material, which has to be copied and pasted into a word document, because what I printed off the website last night was unreadable.

I just wanted to hop into the pool. I had this notion of coming home, pouring a jug o'wine into my enormous glass, and nattering with Brambo - who was to be coming home from work at 8:00. HAH! I said "8:00? You mean 10:00." Even my cynical estimate was off by at least two hours.

This office building that we met in today; oof! One walks into the lobby, and it's .. lavish. With a bullet-proof reception area. Continental Airlines has built their disaster recovery center in there - which I caught a glimpse of today. Excellent stuff.

I've run through two phone battery charges today (a two hour conference call will do that for you) and driven just over 100 miles. I was out of bed at 5:30, and will repeat THAT little trick in the morning.

(sigh) Lovely stuff, eh?

Had a phone call from Babs today - but, can't call her back until Monday.

Talked to my Dad today; yurg. What a happy guy. He's going to spend the weekend with his sisters, which should be like the Chinese Water Torture. Let me rephrase that - it should be like the Relentless Chinese Water Torture.

Tom's back in circulation, Chuck's been busy as a bee, and I think I may have some time to myself on Monday after six. SAM hasn't responded to my email from last night, which is par for the course. I think I may be headed off to Korea for a few days (if I play my cards right) and that could be WAY fun, plus give me non-stop OnePass miles.

Who knows? We'll see where this all leads.

I need some sleep. And a shower. Or a shower and some sleep.

Tomorrow's coffee conversation in church is going to be about Peak Oil. That should be fun. I'll whip everyone into a froth and them smooth them out like a big ol' latte.

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