Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 751.01

It's just after lunch, and I've been working away, rather than diddling away. That's good. My fax machine is still ringing and hanging up a lot, but that could be the best way to deal with telemarketers known to mankind.

Have a list a mile long of things that need doing here. Light fixtures, sheet rock repair, landscaping, pressure washing, painting inside and out, likely roof repair/replacement, pool repairs .. the list is endless. And yet, I love the house and want to keep it.

I’ve been busy with new work, which is great. New loans coming in, realtors referring me business I wasn’t expecting, all kinds of fun stuff.

People are actually returning phone calls, and wanting to move things forward, which is a huge improvement. Yowie.

That’s frequently an issue; people want you to help them with their stuff, then they don’t give you anything to work with. For weeks. Then, they want to know why it isn’t done already.

My allergies have been kicking my ass this year. Blah.

Just had a guy in Austin tell me he needed help with at least TWO loans, and that he could help me find a great car loan for my new car, which arrives on Friday. Cool!

One of my dogs ran off yesterday; someone came into the backyard while I was at church, and he’s been gone for more than 24 hours now. Hm. He was the annoying, clingy, willful one. The one that’s been driving me nuts for a few years. The one that I have very low level mixed feelings about being gone.

He will probably show up sooner than later.

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