Thursday, May 11, 2006


the inter-asian, cross-cultural raw land deal has finally CLOSED. No more calls from people who speak broken English asking me if we're closing today. After fifteen months of work, I'm making about .. $10/hour. Probably.

Next up, a purchase deal for a guy with good credit scores, but no credit .. he's trying to buy a house with NO money down. Zero. I found him 5% down, and he's disappointed.

I was talking with a realtor friend today, and asking him if the client he referred me was going to go somewhere else for financing since I told him that his rate was going to be about 8.5% with 20% down. I asked him if I was going to be the honest one who told him what he could expect, and he rejects that information only to go to someone else and get .. the same deal.

He told me that it's tough being truth tellers.

I found a car at a Dallas dealership last night that gave me a momentary thrill of desire - check it out here.

Barney's being idiotic in the backyard again. I put bricks and rocks in the ivy beds so that he couldn't lay in the wet dirt and make himself more disgusting. That's frustrating him. I think that the woman who "found" him (she lives about ten houses up the street) thought she had some Disney like rescue on her hands, and when she discovered that Barney was from just dwon the street and that I wasn't leaping through the phone with joy at him being "found," I think the wind went out of her balloon.

The pool was so beautiful this morning that I just had to take pictures of it. That led to taking pictures of the entire house, which I guess I'll have developed tomorrow.

Skipped class tonight due to Ruby issues.

Only one more Thursday night. Then, I'm done with these classes for good. Amazing.

I think that the next thing will be me taking mediation training classes. Calling about that tomorrow. That's my idea for using my practitioner credential with business.

We'll see where it goes.

1 comment: said...

Oh my, that is a beauty. I would love a test drive but just can't imagine piling my groceries in it and I don't go anywhere dressed well enough to get out of it. It deserves only restaurants with valet parking. Whooooooeeeee, baby. You could buy a house for that money $$$ and which would last longer?