Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tuesday - calls and clean up

Another conversation last night with LGL about renting and "throwing your money away." I mentioned something about that to Donna last night in an email, and she suggested this:

Buying vs. Leasing. My CPA spent some time with me once demonstrating how buying was NOT better than renting. After he scribbled all the numbers on paper, including appreciation, it was a wash. The argument for renting was pretty compelling. But so is the "American Dream." I fell for it.

So, looping back around this morning with LGL - he's still convinced that one is "throwing money away." So, I just sent him four projections that prove renting is better in the absence of significant property appreciation.

Funny, huh?

Of course, if I were willing to live in a ranch house outside the beltway, I'd have a different set of facts, but I'm just NOT.

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