Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday evening review

Quite the interesting day. New Vision is taking up more and more of my Sundays; today a number of us went out to lunch after church, and I wasn't home until nearly 15:00. I stopped at Wally World, and forgot two of the things I went in FOR, and then came home.

Dr. T spoke at church today; he didn't do what I had suggested - until much later - and the first part of his conversation was rather weird. He made what I took to be a racial joke - not a nice one - and everyone else seemed to have taken it the same way when we were talking after church.

He really triggered a lot of interest on the part of everyone there - to see someone ELSE. No one liked his energy. Everyone was put off by his evasiveness after church, and EVERYONE was weirded out by his politics. He had made an appointment with me to re-align the chassis for 15:00, and he called to cancel while I was surfing my way through Wal-Mark.

Which I found to be quite amusing.

Ruby's stereo burped and died as I was coming around the Pierce Elevated this afternoon, which REALLY annoys the piss out of me. I think it may be a fuse issue. Ruby's also sporting a check engine light AGAIN, which makes me VERY unhappy.

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