Friday, October 28, 2005

Loan blowy-upy day two

I just would like to wind up and smite some assholes in Dallas who are making things unnecessarily difficult, because of their own incompetence. I don't choose the word incompetence lightly; they are very much engaged in unbusinesslike behavior. They have lost files, lost documents, confused one file with another, and now are claiming that they incorrectly graded the file. Actually, they're claiming that I mis-stated the file in my handwritten summary page, which would suggest that they make underwriting decisions based on a broker's hand written summary instead of the information on the documents supporting the summary.

Which is bupkus.

The branch manager, whom I have spoken to about the file, I am now told is the only person that can resolve the problem. Whoa, boy - this is going to require some serious clearing up of expectations, as I think the man's a fucking idiot.

Hurry! Go now, and read this eBay auction listing before it is taken off the site. leather pants

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