Monday, July 12, 2004

Monday, Monday .. I'm cutting class tonight to work on tax returns for clients, and to try to get more done at home than I already have. Blood sugar this morning was good, although I checked it late. I really need to clean up the dogs; I think that they are the source of most of my allergy trouble at home.

I woke up this morning at 4, 5, 6 and 7 .. I could have gotten up at 5:00, but by now I really would have been dragging. Bleh. I hope my sleep cycle isn't going haywire again.

Luiz from Brasil talked to me all weekend. He REALLY wants to move here. His job with Halliburton ended; I read that they were going to down-size their overseas staff, and two days later, his job ended. Amazing.

Guy comes home tomorrow afternoon.

Applying to to be a contributor - we'll see where that leads. I can contribute articles about home ownership, travel, recruiting, whatever ..

I'm wrestling with the last of the business plan. Rick seems to be head down working on this job order we got in, and I think he's going to a hospital this afternoon to give them our presentation for review before our appointment with the big cheese.

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