I was so tired this morning for reasons I don't know. About 0750, I was thinking "there's no way I'm going to make the 7:55 bus... when's the next one?" Turns out the LAST one is at 8:20,but the trip time is shorter than the rest by nearly 15 minutes. So, I hustled my butt out the door to the bus stop, and you could have set your watch by the bus' arrival. There are very few people on the bus here - but it's not a commuter bus, it's a city bus, bumpy and relatively loud. However, it's pretty self-righteous to feel like I'm not blowing hydrocarbons out my personal 275 horsepower tailpipe. Plus, I'll arrive at the office with all of my blogging and reading completed.
Had a long conversation with Bram's mom last night about diabetes (she's a diabetic educator...) I learned a few things, some of which were disturbing to my self-rationalizaing beliefs. It does seem that exercise is a huge difference .. and that food intake is everything. Blah. Time to tackle that issue, I guess.
Obviously, this laptop screen must be cleaned for optimal use during these commutes.
Today, I'm going to start working on practicing what I advise others to do. That's all I'm going to say about that. I'm all excited about saving money on my wireless phone account (as of yesterday) and on the cable bill. There was one other account I was planning on saving money on - the goal is to reduce fixed expenses by $400 a month. I'm about halfway there so far.
Tonight, Nicole and I are going out for her birthday, and I'm trying to cook up the best arrangement for her to feel princess-like. I am still gelling on that ...
Had the house to myself again last night, which was pleasant. I watched (sort of) two episodes of "24 Season Three," and read a bunch of "best of Craigslist" postings, three of which had me laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face, and struggling to breathe.
People can be quite creative. It seems that their greatest creativity is in the area of bathroom humor. Interesting.
Just had to move to the back of the bus to make way for a woman in a wheelchair. Interesting. A bit louder back here, but I'm sitting higher, and no one is going to bother me at all. Hell, I have another ten miles to go here on the bus, so what difference does that make?
This is a really great way to go, I think.
Still can't find my tuxedo shoes. They're just gone, gone, gone. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find great looking tuxedo shoes in a size 13 that fit me? Crap.
I have to go get measured for a tux for this thing on the 22nd, too. I may just skip the whole idea of a date. There isn't anyone that I'd like to take that would go, I don't think. I may be able to strong arm Tom into being my date, we'll see. He's resistant.
I had fun last night at the real estate broker function - mostly in throwing people under the bus .. "oh, you didn't come to OUR big anniversary party because you were feeling overworked, but all this heavy rain isn't a decent excuse for people not coming to your broker happy hour when you gave everyone fewer than 24 hours' notice? "
You should have seen the expressions on their faces when I said "well, we offered to give you your company website and hosting for free. But, you thought you could do better than that."
Of course, they were blank faced .. "free?" "Yes, free." "How did we miss that?" "Focusing on the other mortgage companies that you invited, I should guess."
"We'd love free!" "I'm sure you would. Perhaps one of your MORE preferred mortgage lenders will help you with that."
John was there as a foil to my directness. "Oh, we'll take care of you." Says I "IF you stop jacking us around on the mortgage lender sponsor thing."
I need a bus pass. Who is this crazy queen wearing a black suit, black shit and a white tie? Am I in a time machine, instead of a bus?
I need to email my client that has the attic insulation (which I covet.) He's being all slippery again, now that there is a need on my part. Figures.
Oh, by the by - the bus suddenly headed for the freeway, and dropped me off less than 150 feet from the office door TWO MINUTES EARLY.
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