Friday, April 06, 2007

I'm running late already because I slept in a little bit and then didn't get immediately on task but rather paused to read a little bit. Ah, well. I have a short day today and much to accomplish.

And, last night, I spent some time researching how to breed and raise honeybees. It's scary how reliant we are on a SINGLE species of insect for our entire organized society and how this has been coming on since the LATE 1980s WITHOUT ANY ATTENTION . (grumbles.) Okay, I'll move back to Brittney Spear's ass crack.

And it's too challenging to raise bees for a hobby. And, I'm not sure what benefit there would be (punny) from it here in the middle of the city.

Oh, and there's a resistant strain of a fungus that attacks wheat crops too. Yeah. Fire, flood and famine. I thought that the Four Horse(wo)Men of the Apocalypse only came together when my family had a reunion.

Maybe I'll stick with figuring out how to reorganize the kitchen cabinets and re-wiring the stereo rack, which are my afternoon projects.

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