Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday folderol

Today is Jenny Hunter's birthday. I should call her and wish her a happy birthday, I suppose. I'm ambivalent about it, but I know it's what I should do.

"Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is still in the hospital with a serious medical condition. Castro said that a half century of Communist rule seemed like a good idea right up until the point he was rushed to the hospital in a '55 Oldsmobile."
---Conan O'Brien

"President Bush has rejected calls for an immediate cease-fire [in Lebanon] on the grounds that he'd prefer a "sustainable" cease-fire. It makes sense. He doesn't want the killing to stop until he's sure it will stop. So there will be more killing until the president's convinced that there will be no more killing. Or everyone else runs out of people."
---Jon Stewart

"President Bush had his annual medical exam this week. The doctors said the president remains in excellent health and is fit for duty. In fact, so fit today the National Guard called and said, `So how about serving your time now?'.
---Jay Leno

Okay, so I've dialed Mrs. Hunter's phone number.. and that's no longer her phone number. Let's see if she's still advertising with Centerpoint. Nope, she's not.

The guy from Minnie called again today. He WANTS to sell that car. I think he's pregnant with it. He's so darned anxious about it. "When are you coming up? I'll pick you up at the airport!"

I bet you would, bub.

Fascinating article about China's economic growth and whether it's headed for a meltdown. It's short and sweet, and raises some interesting points that would tend to counter the commonly held belief that China will own everything in ten years.

Waiting for a handyman to come by and give me an estimate for several things here, not the least of which is going to be repairing whatever circuit breaker blew up Tuesday night and left me without indirect kitchen lighting and a microwave.

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