Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 827.01

A glorious, sunny morning again - I'm on track to get everything done before 9:00 that I need to do, and reading things on the internest that are compelling and interesting.

If you're so motivated, have a look at two articles:

This one is a fascinating discussion of psychology, and how our small tribal psychology stays with us today in societies that are too large for it to work in. The suggestion is that, in a Darwinian analysis, there hasn't been enough time for our tribal thought patterns to adjust to the huge societies, and as a result, we're killing each other off just as we would have if we were protecting our village of 40 kinfolk.

This article documents government questionnaires about spending policy and reflects that, regardless of what Fox News says, the large number of Americans do NOT believe in eliminating social programs, funding for national parks, infrastructure development and so forth. So, from whence this driving need to cut taxes and eliminate all spending but that into the pockets of our biggest campaign contributors and the Defense budget?

Perhaps you should re-read article #1. Just a thought.

More cool articles - Thisabout the pastoral cost of not being fanatically conservative.

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