Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So, I figured it out - Hump Day that feels like Monday

Had ten people yesterday (well, more than ten actually, but we got to ten and leveled off there as people came and went) Some of us hung in the pool, the rest cowered under the patio cover, Bram broke the garage door, hired some poor little guy from Home Depot's parking lot to paint his bedroom, and we watched a bunch of the Star Trek marathon. Fernando made sandwiches, queso and rum cakes, and a good time was had by all. No massive intoxication, no embarassing amorousness, and I had the kitchen clean and was in bed by 10:30. Well, I could have been.

So, I was reflecting on the Hitler dream this morning, especially the part about going through the airport to my (truly gorgeous .. oh, my) FW 200 with all of the people getting it ready to travel. I started to see that in that scenario, I was only focused on BIG picture issues. I wasn't concerned about the NOTAMS, or the tire pressure, or the catering load-in, or the departure clearances, or whether the airport fees had been paid .. I was only absolutely certain that all of those things had been done - certain to the point that I didn't think about them.

From a SOM perspective, in that mindset, everything that I was focused on INCLUDED having the airplane's needs (and therefore, my needs) attended to. I was comparing my own past focus with this perspective, and .. I've been focusing on the blades of grass.

The adage we're pulling in here is - can't see the forest for the trees. (I keep finding that these old adages have so much value and validity, kind of amazing.)

This isn't to say that you should (or I should) abandon attention to the small stuff. It's just that FOCUSING on the small stuff prevents one from focusing on the BIG stuff.

This morning, after my contemplation, I picked (back) up "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," having already read "The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler," and "Berlin Diaries." And, the very next sub-chapter I came to was the discussion of Adolf Hitler and his income before he became Chancellor. It seems that ol' AH gave very little thought to his support, and income stream. He just knew it would be there.

All of this provides me with fodder for further consideration.

Okay, it's time to get cracking on a few more things -

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