Wednesday, August 24, 2005

So Ive been working

So, I’ve been working all day on the ethics course for the mortgage broker CE – and trying to get the doctor’s loan materials into the lender so that we can close it.  Tomorrow, I have all kinds of crap to work on, and two doctor’s appointments flanking the morning and evening.

Talked to the boi today.  Last night, I had dinner with my client John – who, as it turns out, is a running buddy of the boi.  Oh, my was THAT conversation lively!  The boi is thought to be gay by EVERYONE of those people he hangs with, since he’s always been sporting a sugar daddy even though he’s always had beautiful women wanting to be with him.  My client was telling me about all these sugar daddies that he would show up with, and how none of that crowd could figure out what the deal was.  I offered that he was just sexually flexible when money was involved.  If he can avoid having to put out and still make the situation work, he will.  If he has to put out, I bet he does.

I can tell you that he’s very much wanting his big daddy right now.  He’s living in an extended stay hotel, eating crap for food, has no phone, no computer – what happened to his wife’s luxury apartment downtown?  The five bedroom home in Vegas that they were going to buy?  The advertising business?  Is it again that when you snort all your money up your nose, things don’t work very well in life?

I don’t know, I’m just saying.

Tomorrow needs to be a more productive day than today felt.  Today, I felt all sinusy with allergies.  Yuck.

La Minx is really wanting to go to Decadence.  Yesterday, I talked to T for the first time in EONS; he was saying that his boyfriend wants to go to Atlanta with his EX-boyfriend, and T responded with “if you do that, I’m going to Decadence with the Divo.”  Which scotched that whole notion on his nasty, cheating, lying bastard boyfriend’s part.  I talked to Curt tonight about going, and he’s going to call over to the Maison du Puy to see about getting me a room.  Larry’s going to be there (staying somewhere on the other side of a body of water,) and I’m just not sure about the whole “stay up until the crack of dawn” program.  He (la Minx) got hired for another opera, so I’m back to finding someone for the gay prom in November.

The blog still won’t put my entry titles in.  Blarg.

The Peeler was here last night – he was resident for 20 minutes before heading over to EJ’s to “dance.”  During that time, he managed to break the toilet handle.  He came in around 2:30, crawled into MY bed, which is now a full instead of a queen, and started snoring at 5:00.  Driven out to the sofa, I slept fitfully until about 7:30, at which time he was snoring so loudly that it was coming through the closed bedroom door.  I went to my appointment with Lloyd to have my head re-aligned, then bought gas for Ruby (which was FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS, thank you VERY much.)  Came back home around 11:00, and he was up doing some laundry.  He starts in with I should be excited to go to Decadence since he’ll be there.

I said “after as rude as you were to me at Mardi Gras, you think that I gave a rat’s ass if you’re at Decadence?”  Then, he starts in with “you put me on the spot when we were at dinner with Curt the other day – I never intended to make you pay for my meals that you were complaining about.”

Oh, yeah, that’s why you bolted from the table without talking about the bill, and headed for your car.  I read about that in Miss Manners all the time.

Anyway, there was no sense talking to him about anything.  So, I ignored him.  When he comes back tomorrow, I’m telling him he and his snoring habit can sleep on the sofa.

Then, I’ll tell him he can find another place to stay when he’s in town shaking down old men for money.

Speaking of men with repeating patterns, I heard from Joel the other day – seems he’s been locked out of where he was living AGAIN.  By my best count, that’s the sixth time since I locked him out in November.  This one lasted only two weeks.  He tells me that he and the guy had a fight, and Joel stayed away for four days and nights.  Uh, that would pretty much do it for me if the man I was dating did that.  Anyway, he just doesn’t understand why this keeps happening to him.

It’s now 21:00, and I think it’s time to watch the rest of this Netflix and then hit the sack.  The boi wants me to pick him up so we can hang out, but he’s missed his window.  He’s headed to EJ’s in 90 minutes anyway, and the big red taxi service has closed down tonight.

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