Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saturday housework

Saturday housework – been going through the stacks of books, opening up cabinets, rummaging through things I haven’t read or looked at in years, trying to decide what should stay in the “permanent collection” and what needs to get sold.

So far, I have a HUGE stack of books that are headed for the universe, and I finally (after six months) got all my spiritual study books into one place.  Now, if I can actually ORGANIZE them into some sort of .. well, organization.  That would be great.

I’ve kicked up a ton of dust in here, of course.  Urk.  That forecasts serious allergy issues in a short while.  

Agreed to hire this .. guy .. to come re-wire my amp rack in Ruby; went and bought the cables for it.  Uh, he’s apparently still with last night’s trick.  Blarg.  I was looking forward to having that re-done and having better sound.

I’m about 40% through re-doing the cabinets in my living room.  Dusting, reorganizing and pulling out the ENTIRE stereo rack and re-doing it is next.  Once I have all of this done, I’ll see what/whether I’m going to unload some VHS tapes.  I’ve gone through them over and over to cull out the ones I don’t watch, I think I’m down to the basics.  I’m going to hang my XM antenna outside, put the receiver up on top of the TV (it generates SO damned much heat!  Plus, I can’t see it way down inside the cabinet.)  I wish Matticia was here.  Or that T wasn’t so damned busy.  He was supposed to drop off a power adapter for Ruby last night (that he has,) but apparently got busy.

I guess I’m going to have to take it to a shop to get it done.

Decided against going to Decadence.  I just can’t justify the expense.  Just gasoline is going to be $150.00.  The room over $600, and for two days.  Urk.  I don’t think so.  I’ll stay here, and get more .. uh, work done?  Probably.

For the first time since I’ve lived here, I’ve pulled out the reference books I have and am putting them neatly near the desk.  As in, I could actually USE them.  Amazing.  Actually, I need to dust all of them off and get them up on the tallboy.  


So, I kicked Michael to the curb.  I told him Thursday that I had Nicole here, and couldn’t deal with him.  He started calling yesterday morning about today, and I sent him a text message saying that he’d have to find another place to stay when he was in town, as I was done with him.  He text’d back asking what he’d done wrong, but what’s the point in trying to discuss things with him?  For one thing, he never listens to a damned THING and for another, he’s an idiot.

Then, I went and picked up Jason, who looks like dogshit.  He’s gaunt, his face is gray and haggard, and .. blah.  He talked ALL the way to my place about how .. blah, blah .. his wife is sick, she can’t work, he’s too depressed to work, they’re living in a motel, people are accusing him of doing coke instead of working, blah .. blah ..

Well, you know?  I’ve gotten adept at listening between the lines, and here’s what I detect has happened:

  • He married a girl who liked coke as much as he does

  • They went hog wild together

  • They got evicted

  • Her car got repo’d

  • They lost all their “stuff”

  • They’re staying in a motel, as they can’t get the money together to pay for rent

  • Their illnesses are a result of non-stop partying

  • They’re out of money because they’re having to actually PAY for their habit

  • They’re clueless as to their own behavior being the core of what’s wrong

Of course, at the end of the evening (after dashing off while at Spec’s, while at the movie, while somewhere else, and coming back from the bathroom sniffling and snorting like crazy) he asks me if I’ll loan him some money.  Uh, how about “no way?”


So, now we are officially boi-less here at the casita.  All of them have been purged, kicked out, passed off and hurled into the abyss.

And, not another word from N8.  That’s probably the universe protecting me.

Okay, time to make some food and then, back to my efforts.

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