Monday, October 18, 2004

Wow - well, today is day two of setting myself to be happy with myself at the end of the day, rather than trying to manifest more money or a job or a whatever the heck. Had a good business meeting this afternoon, got a LOT of stuff done work-wise, had a client in Austin who hasn't paid me for more than six weeks pay me and then ask me if I could come up to Austin for the next few weeks to work, and had an unexpected call from Citifinancial asking if I was interested in interviewing for their manager program - they're coming to Houston in a big way. That's tomorrow.

There was NO fabulair-ing today.

However, class tonight was outstanding. We worked on a number of things, all intended to uncover things about our past beliefs and decisions, and how they run us in the present. This week and last week have been very confronting, and one (me) rips from exhiliration to anger and worse. And back again. The cycles are very quick.

Anyway, tonight, we were working with a decision tree about our lives. One takes a line of one's age - and marks on it each important decision that one has made from the earliest memory of decisions to the present, and maps out how it could have gone differently, who the important people were, etc.

(I hadn't done that part of the homework .. shhh)

So, other people were sharing what they got out of the tree exercise, and I was looking at it .. and I had just been working with definitions (the homework from LAST week that was SO confronting) and I saw this wild thing about myself .. you remember the story about coming home from kindergarten on the day that we were moving, and the moving van was gone, etc. So, I made up that I wasn't wanted, and all the goodies that have gone along with that.

Interestingly enough, whether in response to that or just because, I started creating this world where I was all alone, and that was the best, safest place to be. When I was a little boy, my grandparents lived in this little northern Michigan town that had a tourist steam railroad that was about ten blocks from the family home. I used to walk over there and spend long hours walking around the rail cars, looking at the steam engines, watching the operations .. it was a perfect little reality.

So, I have a life that I have created in which I spend most of my time alone with the computer, with the home theater, with books, whatever. And, that life is in complete conflict with the life of trying to find a mate, trying to hang out with friends, gathering evidence for the story of "I'm not wanted."

The truth is, I *LOVE* being alone. I have no mate because I *LOVE* being alone. I live alone, because it suits me.

So, what's all this energy I put into trying to prove that I have to be alone because I'm not wanted? Silly. It's like .. all of a sudden, the whole idea of trying to "find someone" - why bother? Who cares? I'd rather be picking up my own socks, not someone else's!

Can I just drop all the energy that I've expended, could expend, all the emotion I've put around being stood up, betrayed, rejected .. since I didn't really want that anyway? What's going to manifest now?

I remember when I distinguished the whole thing about not attending the University of Michigan - twenty-eight years of bitterness just fell into nothingness. Is that what happens now?

More processing is required. More will be revealed.

Oh, and it seems as clear as the nose on my face that Joel is in the process of standing me up for tomorrow. And, I'm not upset.

At least, I'm pretty sure I'm not upset. I'll check in with you tomorrow as the day moves on - and we'll see if this pattern has truly fallen to dust, or if it's just hiding.

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