Thursday, October 21, 2004

So, drama last night - then I was wired, and stayed up until FOUR .. got up at 8:00, as the dogs were crying. Now, I've cleaned the kitchen, taken out the trash, about to clean the bathroom, gotten the accounting caught up .. but, no substantive work has occured.

Just had an unexpected and blood-curdling IM from PJ - she's coming up today. For .. an unspecified period of time. No further information available. I'm waiting for the "other shoe" thing, where she tells me she wants to stay with me.

While I was all wired up and anxious last night, I was checking out this website about urban legends. snopes On that website, it asserts that a 1911 silent movie "The Poseidon Adventure" was being screened on board the Titanic AT THE TIME IT HIT THE ICEBERG.

Okay, now you may not know everything about me, and you may not know very much about me, but one thing I am is a walking compendium on the RMS Titanic. This site has a link to an internal page that purports to list the details about the 1911 silent "Poseidon Adventure" listing the exact same character names as was in the 1972 smash hit movie. The 1972 smash hit movie that was made from the 1969 best seller by Paul Gallico. Of which I have an original copy of the first paperback printing.

I think I'll write them a little missive ..

Voting early today with Guy, making bread this afternoon, will Joel follow through on his earnest promise last night that he REALLY wants to see me tonight? Who knows?

Called Scott again - no return calls for three days, which leads me to conclude that a.) he's already given the processing work to someone else, and b.) the universe is protecting me somehow.


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