So, it's all interesting. The Astros have lost, which I rather expected, but whatever. Joel stood me up .. episode #3. And insulted me in the process. So .. where's that sharpie?
I didn't get a THING accomplished again today .. or did I? I went to early vote - the line was HUGE. It took nearly two hours to accomplish that task. I put some things away. Talked to Rosita about the church and the Rev for at least an hour total. Talked to Susan for a half hour. Talked to Mitch .. told him that I had been hoping to pick up Scott's processing work.. that Scott wasn't calling me back and such. He says "well, I'll ask Kimberly (the owner of Roosevelt Mortgage)" So, I said " uh .. you've mentioned that several times over the last few months .. but no meetings ever take place, when you've brought me in to meet her in the office, she isn't even remotely interested in talking to me, so .. uh .. let's just get real, okay? I know you love me and want to help me and all, but .. it ain't happening."
He says "well, she's been busy, etc., etc." And I said, it's cool, Mitch. Don't worry about it, something will come together for me.
So, a few minutes after the Lastros blew it in Louis, he calls. Can I come out to her house for dinner and cocktails tomorrow night, and they'll a.) give me some work, b.) talk to me about doing credit repair on contract, and c.) commercial deals and other stuff.
Okay, sure. I'll talk to anyone, I guess.
Found a cool new condo complex going up about .. ten blocks from me called the Vistas. They have four floor plans that I like. I wrote and asked for information - as far as I know, they haven't begun preparing the site work yet, so it's at least 18 months off.
Anyway, that's today's report, I guess.
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