Sunday, October 17, 2004

Okay, I started off this morning committed to ENDING the day feeling good about myself. So, I have accomplished several things:

I wrote Nate's personal statement to his law school application
I reviewed part of a business plan (potential new business)
I finished my contractor application to a grant writing agency
I started constituting myself as a consultant to contractors for the development of humans in space
I had a totally honest and productive conversation with my fellow church board members
I bought some SOS pads and SCRUBBED the wire racks for the oven - and the broiler pan
I spent most of the day away from the computer
I made dinner for myself and for Guy, and had a great conversation with him
I spent more time mentally thinking about Fabulair, and some of the content that goes into the website
I re-promised for another LSAT student whom I had offered to help with HER personal statement

So, I didn't get everything done on my list, but I certainly didn't wile away the day.

Have a very full day tomorrow, and a new business meeting at 5:30 before class tomorrow evening. It should be great!

Time to empty the mutts and get ready for sleep.

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