Monday, September 20, 2004

Afternoon ..

Well, interesting. I've been putting off doing this accounting job for a few days, now the client is out of the office until Friday. Uh, hello? Perhaps if I'd kept my service promise, I'd be paid and wouldn't have to worry about .. well, everything.

And, my Austin client is ducking me. Of course, he owes me money..

I skipped class tonight. I have to run by Nicole's and pick up some paperwork, and then Michael the Masseur may stop by around 9:00. I have tomorrow to clear through work and then .. what? I don't know. I just don't know what I'm going to do.

It's like .. I need someone to come in tomorrow with a business plan that needs writing, and ready to pay the retainer.

I probably should have gone to class tonight. I'd have probably gotten something great out of it. I just didn't feel like it. Bleh.

I have to make the bed (laundered the sheets) and such.

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