Saturday, January 13, 2007

I so want to go on this RSVP cruise in May. SO want to go. My kingdom for a suitable companion and the cash to do it.

It's only 8:30. I've spent a fair amount of time today fiddling with NeatReceipts. It's pretty cool. I need to do some more configuration, but it's going to be awesome to be able to go paperless.

Went to the Galleria today. How would have guessed? Twice in one week. The traffic was crazy.

Got my latest gadget today - a USB coffee warmer plate. It's a hoot! Off to the office it goes.

We're watching "A Knight's Tale," having eaten chili and cornbread for dinner. I also watched a German movie about gay boys playing soccer. Predictable.

I had a dream about John's dog last night. He was giving me a body hug and big kisses. He's a sweet animal.

The rain has started, even though Guy said it wouldn't be until tomorrow. Good thing I didn't wax the car today. I was thinking about it.

I have been hauling stuff out of corners, closets and cabinets to list on eBay to sell. Oof. The breakfast room is filling up.

I set Tom onto creating a myspace template for Fabulair today. That should be fun.

We cleaned the house today. That was a good thing. Sondra bought me lamp oil for my Lamberge, and it FINALLY soaked the wick sufficiently to work right. That was good. I should go unload the clean dishes out of the machine and reload the dirty ones before the morrow.

Barney's just so old and feeble, but he is as perky as always. It's like his body is giving out, but he's still the needy little bastard he's always been.

I found a website tonight that has the Pontiac factory emergency kit! Not like I need it; it turns out that everything in it I already have.

There is just NOTHING like having enough RAM. Woof.

Almost time for bed. I have another big assignment in church tomorrow.

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