Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mellowed out from meditation class

No reflections of the sun. As it turns out, the Phaeton isn’t Papillon Silver Heliochrome – it’s just plain silver. It’s still an awesome car, and it’s just the one I would want – low miles, loaded to the hilt, cheap .. but, it’s not Papillon Silver Heliochrome.


Teaching class today on prayer and meditation. It’s a good class. We’re also settling into our new space (with POWER!) I’m working on arranging the stereo equipment and such on breaks.

It just occurred to me that, when I silence my mind (we just did that exercise,) I fall asleep. Quiet the noise in head = immediate snoozing.

Maybe that suggests that I’m over doing things.

We’re about to do the forgiveness meditation. It’s cool stuff.

I spent some quality time with the Frontgate catalog yesterday – there are SUCH COOL Christmas-y things in there. I should run through a Garden Ridge to see if some of those things can be found there instead of paying through the FG Design nose. There is a hanging swag wreath thing that would be perfect on the front under the porch light.

Today, I have to find myself a new mailbox to replace the one that was nuked over the weekend following Hallowe’en. I want a Rubbermaid mailbox that’s indestructible. Do you think I can find one that also has a self-closing door? Our mail lady can’t seem to get that door closed.

Last night, I was so excited to find that I had finally received my VHS copy of “The Boys in the Band.” I was ready to sit down and watch it and .. it’s a bootleg copy of Eddie Murphy’s stand up routine (the one where he’s wearing a red leather outfit and talks endlessly about how he’s not gay?) Bastards. So, I protested the PayPal payment, and blah, blah. Back to Amazon, I guess to get a real one.

That’s what I get for trying to find a bargain.

So, again I take up the question “Is Barney too old?” John II (new, from work) thinks that Barney’s extremely uncomfortable from arthritis and so on. He’s willing to tote Barney to the SPCA for me, but I need to at least spend some time with him (Barney) before we do this. Which I can’t possibly do until Sunday evening, at the earliest.

I got home from teaching class, closed the garage door, pulled out all the stuff in the Buick, came into the patio and .. there’s Barney – stuck in the hot tub. He’d clearly been there a while, since the hot tub was all murky and dirty from his fur (he likes to get into the flower beds and roll around.) I pulled him out, and he was shivering from the cold (the water’s only about 78 degrees now.) He looked pathetic but now, he just smells like a landfill. You’d have thought that all that bleach water would have helped, but it was just the opposite.

I had a phone call today from an unfamiliar, Orange County telephone number – I was trying to bring things in from the car to the church, and when I answered, a woman’s voice began speaking to me “Do you know who this is?”

My last girlfriend – from 1980. Yikes!

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