Tuesday, November 07, 2006


How much time can one dweeb spend researching a Phaeton?

Main Entry: He·li·os
Pronunciation: 'hE-lE-&s, -(")Os
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek HElios
: the god of the sun in Greek mythology -- compare SOL

Main Entry: chrome
Pronunciation: 'krOm
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Greek chrOma
1 a : CHROMIUM b : a chromium pigment
2 : something plated with an alloy of chromium

Main Entry: chro·mi·um
Pronunciation: 'krO-mE-&m
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from French chrome
: a blue-white metallic element found naturally only in combination and used especially in alloys and in electroplating --

Heliochrome - blue white pigment of the sun.

Sounds shiny.

Katherine Harris lost badly in the US Senate race in Florida. One of my aunts voted for her.

Rick Santorum is losing his Senate seat in Pennsylvania 83% to 17%. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Right now, TPM is calling four Senate seats for the Demos. Polls in the west aren't yet closed. Only two house seats for the Demos so far.

It's smelling to me like a rout.

I'm feeling like tonight will be a late one for me, just as the election in 2004 was.

Talked to Mark about the Phaeton again today. He's a nice man. Talked about the build sticker. He's faxing it to me tomorrow, he said. Since it's an late 2003 build of the 2004 model, it's possible that some standard equipment isn't installed. Mark insisted that it has options not otherwise installed on the car. He also said that they're replacing the batteries (there are TWO) today under warranty.

Spent a considerable time today working on the church development. Bringing in more pracs, starting a children's program, trying to get the electricity turned on, ordering supplies, have to hook up the electronics, ordering a podium ... oof.

Also had good progress today on commercial deals - lots more work to do there, but it's attractive.

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