Tuesday, October 31, 2006

One week left

And then, it will either be nonsense continued, or nonsense abated. Ish.

I've been working away since 6:15 this morning - cleaned up, put away, did laundry, folded clothes, fixed the halloween display, put out the mail, etc., etc. Got to the office at 9:15 and have been working on tomorrow's presentation. Later, I'm working on some other stuff, and going home around 4 to meet Kurtis, whom I haven't seen in ages. We'll have fun airline gossip stuff.

My sister flew through IAH yesterday, which she NEVER does, since she's not a Continental girl. She had a three hour layover, and invited me to come visit with her, so I messaged Buhz, who was indeed working at the airport. Went up there, met with him, hung out with my sister for two and a half hours, hung out with him another hour, came home.

Three trips to IAH in 14 hours. Yurg. I filled up with gas Sunday afternoon around 5 and I'm already down a half tank. Probably more, actually, since my fuel gauge is optimistic.

Bram tells me that he's leaving Friday for a week. And two days. It will be like living alone again, except for having his car in the garage.

Four trips to Clear Lake this week. Another tank of gas and forty bucks in tolls.

This weekend is going to be spent working on the house. More cleaning/organizing/sorting. Heck, if I have to move in a few weeks, I may as well be ready to just shove things into boxes. Actually, things are in very good shape, except that I need to clean up the office, including the last of someone else's files, and get rid of the extraneous office equipment.

Went to KFC for lunch - two piece meal with smashed potatos and a biscuit for $2.15 with tax included. Note to file - lunch on Tuesdays at KFC.

Okay, so Kurtis forgot that I had moved. That means I got home early and have allllll this stuff I could be working on. I think I'll work on an outline of the web-based mortgage support business that I've conceived of that I now have the human assets to make happen.

Finally got BG test strips today; I think it's been nearly a month without them. They have gone up in price SO much lately; I finally found some on the internet that were much cheaper (like 60% of the price at Walgreen's.) I bought a bunch..

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