Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday - maybe I'll try this AGAIN

This wireless router is less valuable than a dog turd in a punch bowl. It works for about ten minutes, then I have to go upstairs, unplug it, reset it, and come back downstairs. Of course, in the meantime, whatever I was working on is GONE.

Today was passably productive. Now, I'm at the mercy of this client, who may or may not show up to finalize his thing. He's not being any more reliable than he was before. Lovely stuff.

I should make some dinner and eat it before it gets too late. By the time I'm done with that, the wireless router should have collapsed onto its fainting couch again, and I'll be in synch.

Watching a documentary about Robert McNamara, the secretary of defense from the Vietnam era. I've seen it before, as it turns out. It's a goood show.

In summary:

1. I am going to let my loan officer license go, because I'm just no longer going to try to schlepp loans, and I can't see paying the $200 to keep that license.
2. I'm going to fire .. well, most of the clients I have .. tomorrow, because I'm no longer willing to have clients who try to negotiate the fee after the fact, and refuse to pay in full or on time.
3. I'm going to start looking for another place to live; I'm unwilling to continue to dance this dance with Twitch .. yes, no, maybe, it depends.
4. I'm going to tell a number of people that I'm no longer interested in discussing "deals" with them, because they bring me nothing. They call over and over and over and over and pester me with hypotheticals, but they offer nothing.
5. I'm going to figure out how to make my life work for me, and only work on things that don't involve solving other people's problems.

I am going to focus on my church development, including the articles and presentations that I have. I am going to focus on my website, and web based delivery of content that will make me money. I am going to focus on the mortgage training materials.

Somehow things are going to have to work out to support this.

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