Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Humpy humpy

What a day, what a day. Another day, another ream or two of paper. Only a few more days of this. Babs is priceless running around and picking up documents, checks and delivering product. I'm hoping that next week she can apply equal effort to the Fabulair calendar next week after we've knocked out all these corporate returns that are due .. oh, Friday.

I'm loving this BBC series "Hustle," that Guy has introduced me to. It's fabulous. The movies that I've been getting from Netflix lately have sucked major butt.

The pool is green again. It looks sort of like something from a horror movie now. Should I spend several hundred dollars having the pool cleaned up, or should I just try to find another place to have the pool party on Memorial Day?

Driving home from dinner tonight, XM83 was playing lots of FABULOUS old (dinosaur) disco music. YAY. It was making me very happy. Chuck has been making fun of me about my taste in music - boom chuckawuckawucka boom chuckawuckawucka boom chuckawuckawucka boom!

I think there are still .. twelve corporate returns to finish? Only a few personal returns yet.

It's just a damned shame about this house - I'm liking it SO much, the layout, the room and everything - it's just terrific. Of course, it needs a bunch of work - Kurtis today was telling me that it needs about $20,000 to totally queen it out. Today, I found this article on MSN that described "green" remodelling materials and techniques. I'd totally pimp this place out and see about getting it as far off the grid as possible. With a new roof, a ton of insulation (both made out of 100% recycled consumer product) double glazed windows (especially upstairs) and a new tankless water heater, I could get its energy consumption down by about half. Then, by installing a wind turbine, I could get its energy consumption down to near zero. Rainwater harvesting would bring the environmental footprint down to near zero.

All this room and luxury and nearly free to operate.

However, the two late night crackhead visits and the crackhead girlfriend letting herself in here have left me twitchy - anytime the house creaks or pops or a car is outside, I jump.

I half expect to see someone peering in the windows whenever I look out.

Not the best feeling. Strangely, though, I'm not nervous, worried or anxious about it.

Interesting also that my long held crap about money is rattling around like mad, but it's not really affecting my faith or anxiety level. It's like I'm observing these issues, not living in them. Weird. Never had this experience before.

Hopefully, that's a good thing.

Okay, time for sleep. Maybe I'm going to turn the alarm off for tomorrow morning and sleep in.

Michael the married guy was by two days ago. Can't shake him out of my head. I like him a lot.

1 comment: said...

Just don't get too comfy there...It is not your house and not likely that between girlfriend and owner that it will be easy to become yours. AND Goddess knows, who might still come lurking around. It is going to take a major exorcism to get rid of the bad karma around that place. Surely in the Houston market there is an equally nice house that is meant to be yours. Now to just be able to stay there, keep your sanity long enough to save up some $$$ to get what you want. Love you, Dutch Auntie