Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Things Im done with

Things I’m done with (no, really)

Adult males that require someone to pick up after them
Adult males that cannot support themselves
Being awakened by someone so unable to focus their lives that they must pursue being validated sexually at all hours of the night
Cleaning the apartment after someone else made a mess of it
Supporting someone else’s life
Giving away any of my learned skills or knowledge without being fully compensated in advance
Listening to someone else’s anxiety or ongoing drama when they have no interest in my life and what I’m doing
Entertaining someone else’s sexual needs on their schedule only
Letting anyone through my front door that isn’t going to go right back out that door in an hour or two
Ignoring my own warning signs about people who don’t work, and have only sob stories of how they’ve been done wrong as an excuse
Anyone who wants to alter my environment to meet their preferences
Ignoring my own warning signs about people who don't work, live with their parents (especially in garages or basements), carry around a backpack and/or work behind a bar and have only sob stories of how they've been done wrong as an excuse
Being blamed for anything by someone unable to take any personal responsibility
Anyone who spends more than an hour a day online outside of their workplace
Anyone who logs into gay chats AT their workplace
Adults who watch the cartoon network when they should be looking for work
Long winded stories that defy reality - no matter how entertaining
and just to repeat: Entertaining someone else's sexual needs on their schedule only

Yeah, go ahead – think I’m bitter. You can find someone else to buy your cigarettes.

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