Monday, September 06, 2004

A letter to the editor of the Houston Chronicle...

Let's just see if they print it.

I was shocked at the rock-star treatment that the Chronicle gave the recent Republican National Convention. Coverage of the Democratic convention was neither as laudatory, nor as comprehensive.

The Republican party, of late, has become the party of obfuscation and deception - white is black, day is night, right is wrong. Anyone who dare raise a question is "unpatriotic." Anyone who disagrees is an enemy. Their vitriol has enflamed an audience who now makes it physically unsafe to hold opposing ideas.

US citizens who wear an anti-Bush t-shirt or who hold up an anti-Bush sign are now routinely arrested and harassed by the police, and yet the Chronicle, part of the "liberal media," says nothing. In Crawford, protestors are arrested by the busload just for being present in the area, not for violating any statute or ordinance, and the "liberal" Chronicle says nothing.

The 9/11 Commission is funded to the extent of $600,000 to investigate the greatest governmental and defense failure in the history of our Nation, and the "liberal" Chronicle fails to point out that more than fifty times that amount of money was used to investigate President Clinton's White House sexual activities.

Yet, the Chronicle and the "liberal media" continue to paint the Republicans as fiscal conservatives, moving the country toward a more responsible way of living. "Liberals," what few are left, are described as intellectually flawed, radical lunatics who desire to require that people be taxed at ridiculous rates. That the statements the "liberals" are accused of making are demonstrably false is never brought up by the Chronicle and the rest of the "liberal media."

Traditional American values of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Association are routinely trampled .. and you say nothing.

What's next? Is the Chronicle readying its participation in the "Ministry of Truth?" Is there no one at the largest newspaper never to win a Pulitzer prize who has any independence and courage?

Perhaps, the Chronicle could write a story about the news media in this Country being owned and controlled by a small group of fabulously wealthy, multi-national corporations, who have no self-serving interest in disturbing the public with the truth about what is happening, only in perpetuating economic benefits for their corporate officers and stockholders? That is what has happened to the "liberal media" in this country since Watergate.

If a Watergate were to occur today, it would barely gain a footnote, unless it were a Democrat who were the actor.

The Chronicle, and the rest of the corporate media, have rendered themselves irrelevant by their partisanship. As more and more people realize the futility of gaining any information from the Chronicle, readership will further decline and these corporate media sources, in their very effort to enhance their profitability, will end this line of business that has nurtured and cultivated society for hundreds of years.

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