Thursday, July 08, 2004

The BEST thing! After six years of trying, I was FINALLY able to register today! I've been wanting to make a creative, functional, "paper" airline website for years - back in 1998, I got an email from my employer (Big Fag) and it was a scream. I expanded on it, turned it into something .. and, the web domain was taken.

I have had a placeholder website for years -

I'm going to be working on this very soon - it's going to ROCK. I found out today that my geocities webpage is #1 on yahoo for AIRLINES! It's #1 on yahoo for Fabulair, and Google pulls it up, too. 708 hits since I put it up, 53 in November, 2003.

Anyway, off to do some more reading of "The Body of Jonah Boyd." It just turned for the better.

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