Tuesday, April 08, 2003

If there's ice cream, do you really need a man?

(this was from last night, but due to server issues, I couldn't get it posted)

It's a quiet Monday evening here at the casita de Divo, formerly known as the Divo House for Wayward Boys. I've watched an old episode of "Star Trek," mopped the tile floors, pulled the white clothes out of the dryer, washed the throw rugs and vacuumed.

That's enough for one evening. I still have to fold the white clothes, and watch the other episode of "Star Trek."

I'm back to spitting on the floor whenever I speak of men (spits on floor.)

Several developments relating to Curtis:

1.) Thursday last, Curtis dropped in on E and me. Curtis has a hard time understanding that gay men can share the same physical space without getting naked. During his visit, he wanted to get cleaned up so that he could visit some friends down in Sugar Land. While in the shower, E had to pee. Curtis was somewhat frisky while E was in there, and there are two digital photos of Curtis in the shower. On E's website.

2.) After the party, Curtis came back. I went to bed. E and C were up and chatting. Curtis (who, according to E, oozes sex from every pore) gave a sort of back-handed come-on. E went to bed.

3.) Friday night, Curtis said he was coming over. His water pump on his truck was going out; it was nearly 10:00 and auto parts stores were generally closed. He didn't think his truck would make it, so he was going to go to a friend's house. I went to bed.

4.) Saturday morning, Curtis was at my door at 7:15 a.m. I was barely awake. I shuffled about, made coffee, and Curtis got a call from his girlfriend. She and he had a screaming match at 7:45 in the morning that lasted until after 8:15. I'm sure my neighbors now visualize axles under my apartment. Trailer queen.

5.) I took Curtis to Auto Zone. Bought him a new water pump ($20) radiator hose and two gallons of Prestone (another $20) Dropped him off at his truck. Went to class, then to work.

6.) At work, around 5:00 on Saturday, Curtis called from a Suzuki dealer. He wanted to know if I would co-sign for him so he could buy an ATV. This from the guy that couldn't buy a rebuilt water pump for $20 that morning. I prevaricated.

7.) Curtis said he was coming over after 11:00 Saturday night to spend the night. I went to bed, sound in the knowledge that I would be undisturbed.

8.) Curtis called a couple of times Sunday. He kept asking about the ATV. Said he had to take his girlfriend to school Monday morning.

9.) Curtis called today, twice. Once in the morning, while I was making a bank deposit, and the other later in the afternoon. Said he was coming over straight away after work. ATV again. It's now 9:16 p.m., and I haven't heard from him. In a short while, I'm going to take the dogs outside and go to bed again.

10.) He just showed up; 11:15 at night - said he just got off work. He's whipped.

I've been promising myself that I wouldn't answer the phone when Curtis calls. I think that I should start doing that.

San Jac asked me to lunch today (resked from last week.) The dean of the continuing ed department showed up. The conversation had very little to do with me (nothing, in fact) and everything to do with free legal and business advice about setting up a consulting firm that they could market outside the college's area. So, I answered questions and gave advice -

Until -

The dean left, the instructor went to the bathroom, and I was able to ask the director of corporate education if there were any classes that I could teach coming up. The short answer = no.

I think I need to write to Auntie Rev.

That's enough for tonight, fans. More later.

D -

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