Sunday, May 31, 2009

last night in Orlando

Coming home tomorrow. This sure has been an interesting trip. Started out with seeing a Lamborghini convertible at the drive-through of the bank. Kind of makes you wonder - someone has a $400K car, but makes deposits at the drive through?

Got to the airport, bright and beautiful day. Got to gate C30, and could immediately see that the 757-300 that was scheduled had been replaced with a 737-900. Clearly a number of people were not going to be on the flight. Had a seat assignment for the last row of the original plane that were accommodated on the smaller one.

Went with Matticia to his bosses' new restaurant, had a few glasses of wine and some Bruscheta. Friday, we knocked around, went out for a drink, came back home. Saturday, we went shopping a tad, and Matt made a state dinner that was AWESOME.

Today, we drove up to visit my Dad which was quite the entertainment. Saw over 30 anti-abortion billboards on the way there and back. Interesting, considering today's murder. Interesting that the pro-lifers will speak for violence and murder until one of their number does it, and then they decry and deny everything.

Dad was entertained by having a new set of ears for his political ranting - and gave it his all. I think today that I found the source of my having people in my life who carry on a monologue of repeating self-interest, insisting on my attention but uninterested in anything but my hearing.

What to do with this insight? That remains to be seen.

There is a clear connection between the situation with my family today (and for the last twenty plus years) and the events at the church. How interesting that I can deal with it so easily at the church, both emotionally and intellectually, and I'm catapulted back forty years by the actions of family today. Hopefully, seeing the association will be productive for me.

Been re-reading "Your Marketing Sucks" in anticipation of using it in developing my own business and that of Fabulair.

Watched "The Dark Knight" this evening, finally. Got a copy of it for Christmas, which was shortly thereafter snatched up by someone. Very good movie.

Hoping for cooler weather tomorrow after I return home so I can wax the car.

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