Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Re-arranged, now to unpack and unload

What a whiner I was this afternoon. I guess since I was paying for the privilege, it's acceptable. I can't find my Marvin the Martian camera bag that contains my cute little video camera. I wonder where in the heck I have left it.

Probably in a box at the office. Along with three boxes of VHS (which are all for Half-Price books on Friday,) six boxes of books (which have to be vetted through Amazon first,) 20 boxes of client files (which need a home in the unused front room) and ten boxes of miscellaneous file folders, laminating supplies, etc.

Just had a terrific response from the guy who did my Fabulair bag samples a year ago - ooooh, baby! Anyone want to buy a Fabulair bag? I'm getting 25 black and 25 white. Let me know. I can post a picture thereof, if it's something you'd like to see.

WHERE is my camera bag?

I have a 9 am doctor's appointment, and it's a 25 mile drive there. Officially - yuck.

But, it will have me at the office early. I have my work cut out for me.

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