Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday finishes

Well, this morning I was up at 5:50, so that I could take Miss Jackie outside, make coffee and start making pancakes for RWB, who had to be at work early early. Jackie started clicking around on the wood floors which was a very effective alarm clock for the guest room downstairs - returned about 20 phone calls from prospective renters, hauled out the old AT&T 964 phone, dusted it (really) and set it up to receive phone calls from said prospective renters - thus cutting back on my phone call volume.

Then, drove down to the church to meet with Jean and put up some white boards. From there, back to Manderlay to re-letter the sign with the home phone number and meet people who wanted to walk through. Think I found someone who will rent the place; I expect to hear from them Monday or Tuesday.

A friend tonight linked me to a NYT article that describes a company's effort to assist people who are in trouble with their mortgages that my dad was telling me about last week. Looked them up on the web, and sent them an email, which bounced back.


Got home around 5:30, watched "Keillers Park" on DVD. It was good-ish; but nothing on Weeds - the DVD for Season Three of which should be arriving on Monday.

I believe that RWB is giving me a desktop computer, which will replace both this lappy (that is REALLY tired and weary) and the old desktop computer, which is equally weary.

And, my Treo kicked the bucket today. Well, I needed to go into the Sprint store anyway.

Leaving on vacation in twelve days. Yeep!

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