Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I wish I'd thought of it

Digby (who's the blogosphere's equivalent of William Shirer or Edward R. Murrow) has this to say today, and damn, if she can't just spell it out before the dots start connecting up in my noggin:

Bill Clinton is in the pantheon of popular ex-presidents who continues to do important work on global initiatives. Hillary Clinton is a Senator and historic breakthrough presidential candidate who won more primary votes than any candidate in history aside from Barack Obama. Al Gore is a global leader and Nobel prize winner. On the other side of that epic battle, Newt Gingrich is a Fox News commentator, writing reviews of mystery thrillers on Amazon. Tom Delay is a private citizen facing indictment. Half of the social conservatives who unctuously criticized Clinton's behavior have been run out of town on morals charges. Fox News is sinking in the ratings faster than George W. Bush.

Well, now that you mention it...

Isn't it rather appropriate that the biggest blowhards of the last thirty years (save for and except Phil Gramm) are now gasbags for pay? All that effort, all that power and the BEST that they can do is to bloviate on Fox News?

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