Lead free as in lead-assed. Nothing got done this weekend at all.
I am supposed to be dieting from political news, but I'm a junkie and am trying to wean myself off by first de-coupling from the emotional response. Interesting things, though - read here and here.
Also, we may be ramping up to attack Iran.
But, I'm going to refrain from ranting or belaboring the idea.
I've taken a fancy to the idea of placing a large solar array on the back of my house, and making myself energy sufficient (with a big capacitor/battery pack for those night and rainy situations) and a fully electric car (which isn't really viable in the US just yet, but seems that it will be very soon with the introduction of an EV Mitsuibishi "i" here in the US after 2009. Or 2010.
What would life be like living in an urban environment but having no utility bill, no mortgage and no gasoline expense? Hmm. It sounds delicious.
I guess I must call my Congresscritters today and tell 'em that I hate the idea of nuking Iran.
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