Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, Monday .. donde esta la autobus?

Took the bus this morning. Apparently, white people don't ride the bus when it's raining. Personally, not having to get all jacked up about people doing stupid stuff when the road's wet is just dandy with me. I only waited outside for about four minutes before said bus rolled up, and so I'm just damp.

And, I'm just all read up and out. In a moment, I'm going to close most of the web browsers that I use all day long and focus on the tasks that I have on my pop-up task list.

After I pay some bills.

If you're wondering how we know that someone else is gay, read this.

Okay, so blah blah blah blah .. I hate sunty behavior. That's French, with the cedilla. Enough on that subject.

Bram was chasing asian boys until about 0500, and when he got up and out, it was nearly 11:00. He was freaked out to find my car in the garage. "Did you take the bus?"


So, things are happening here. Five new loan applications today alone, it seems.

More on the "to do" list.

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