Saturday, October 07, 2006

Post Part-um

Sitting here waiting for my friend Jayne to come by and pick up her phone. It was so good for her and my other church friends to come last night.

The house looked terrific, updated and modified by Matticia, who fixed the cooktop, did party decorations outside, re-wired the home theater, etc., etc., etc. I'm now awash in champagne (the bev fridge is FULL) and vodka. Jeannie's food was smashing. The kitchen looked outstanding - I just need to get a breakfast table and chairs (and a dining table now.)

Nothing was broken, but I was just wiped out. I sat in my chair most of the evening like a queen on her throne. The patio was a hot place to be, populated until well after I went to bed at 2:00 a.m.

The home theater just sounds AWESOME. The house looks great. Last night and today, some of my guests seem to have used one of the upstairs bathroom sinks like they were trying to flood the #6 boiler room of the Titanic. The dining room ceiling is soaking wet. Again. It's dripping water like crazy. Matticia figured out what happened and has solved the problem, but it's prayer time that it doesn't collapse the ceiling.

Installed the AirPort card in the iMac DV that we've put in the kitchen. It's got a signal from the network, but it's not connecting. My Mac friends will be coming over shortly, and they'll get it connected.

We're watching the movie "Slevin." It's amazing.

Now, I want to increase the size of the television. By about 6000%.

I'm enjoying just sitting here. I should think about using my FABULOUS COOKTOP again and making some dinner.

I need to fold up all of these gift bags that are populating the hearth.

Donna sent me my horoscope on Friday; it was really something. I'm still trying to digest it.

Matticia just took a wire coat hangar and attached it to the wireless router, and now we've got massive signal strength. I still think that I'm going to buy a Linksys wireless N router.

1 comment: said...

Well, damn, I'm still grieving that I missed this great event. Please know that I was thinking about you all evening as I lay under a blanket of ice thinking that rehab doc is an arrogant SOB to f__K with my endocrine system like that.
See you manana.