Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 831.01 (but written on Tuesday)

First of all, let's yap about the North Korean nuclear "fizzle" from Sunday - they shot off their wad, it didn't work (just as their ballistic missile didn't work months back) and now .. we're going to continue to pursue the "tough" policies that we were using before they went ahead and developed a psuedo-nuke? Okay ..


The North Korean nuke test was a dud. The Chinese don't have much of a nuclear arsenal, regardless of how much sabre rattling our own paleocons do.

And, for some expert review and analysis of how well our last five years of North Korean foreign policy has worked, click here.

Back to our own home front, an article on what one goes through with health care in these United States when one has no insurance. Don't I know this one well.

And, being arrested just for being there - a homeless man details the glee of the police cleaning out the nicer parts of town to make things pretty for the wealthier in our society.

You know I like snark, so here's a juicy bit on airline security developments from our own TSA.

On Sunday next, I'm speaking on "The Importance of Keeping Your Word," except when it applies to politics, apparently. The author relates the shameful state of politics in this country, that the biggest liars win.

And, then the last - a letter from Baghdad, telling us what it's really like over there. As distinct from the political lies we've been fed the last four years.

Today is going to be thundershower-y, they say, and mine starts with Twitch freaking out over an administrative response he has to submit by today. I've already done it, but he's all twitch-y. Just wait until he finds out that I put a padlock on the back gate so that he has to come up to the front door and be admitted like a normal person, instead of letting himself in without permission and bellowing for me from the kitchen.

I get to see Susan today, get my hair did, and pick up the mail. And some more checks, one hopes. My little spiritual program for the month is kicking my white behind.

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