Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday link-a-rama

So, today, I am expected to stay at home and WORK.


This is a beautiful article about continuing to focus on the good in life, even when it seems that circumstances are against you. It also points out that perfidy in government isn't a new thing for the United States.

This is a reflection on the emotional expressions of WWI soliders intended to demonstrate what our soldiers are likely feeling in the current day conflicts, wherein they are required to do the impossible.

For some real amusement, let's have a look at what the Religious Right (those who know what a blog is and how to use a computer) are saying.

Finally, we have a discussion by someone who is so disgusted with the entire mess that he sought to shut off his brain and join the rest of the nabobs who are voting for these idiots. It didn't work.

Twitch hasn't been heard from all day. He was snappish with me yesterday (when trying to come by to pick up his headboard after six months without planning in advance, and after blowing me off Sunday when we had made arrangements. Again.) and I was snappish last night in an email to him reminding him of a meeting tomorrow that he has to go to. He hasn't called nor returned a call all day, which leads me to believe that he's either cranky with me, or has fallen under a bus. Or a vodka bottle.

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