Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hump day - links, and other fun stuff

You just KNOW I have links for you!

First, we have a story of the beginnings of the Bush economic dynasty. Interesting reading, and a series beginning.

Next, a discussion about Habeas Corpus. You probably don't know what it is, or why the Bush/McCain compromise that allows the government to declare an American citizen an enemy combatant and hold them without charge or right of Habeas Corpus would be a huge change. So, a little history and education is in order. Click right up there.

I don't think I've ever cross posted an article about our own rough, tough (except when he sandbagged serving in the military) Dick Cheney! Here's a little piece on his 1% doctrine (if a country has a 1% chance of developing a nuclear weapon, we should invade. Unless it's North Korea, India, Pakistan or Israel.) The article applies this logic to the concept of global warming, which could be considered a stretch, but one has to think about whether such comparisons are valid.

Finally, some amusement - non-partisan amusement, although is just happens that it's a handful of Repubs engaged in the shenanigans. A newspaper article that identifies three different politicians sending in the SAME letter to the editor, asserting it to be their own work and opinion.

I've been doing filing for hours. I have been up to my keister in loose files for weeks; it feels like months. It's been dragging on my mindset, and now each and every piece of paper that doesn't yet need to be handled or worked with has been put away. I made a ton of new files, and made up a file storage list and new labels for everything.

I've also done all the simple tax returns that needed doing; now, tomorrow, I have the jumbo yucko ones to work on. I've been in touch with the mortgage course people, and I've otherwise gotten a jillion things done.

And, yet I feel that I've been unproductive. Craziness. I'm very glad to have finally gotten all of these files organized, but I feel like I should have done this at the beginning of the summer.

Half of tomorrow is going to be picking up stuff at Chuck's, visiting him in the hospital, driving to Clear Lake to see the proposed new church space, and teaching class. This leaves me Friday and Saturday to accomplish the rest of what I need to clear out here in the office.

Nevertheless, it's going to be awesome to have all of this stuff DONE. Holy cow. I feel like there's a light at the end of the work integrity tunnel.

Just after lunch, I walked out to get the mail. The spider who's been spinning the tree outside the front door has been quite industrious - he had a web that spanned the front walk blocking the path from the door to the street. That web was some strong stuff! Then, I noticed that there was a fire ant mound next to the walk that hadn't been there yesterday. So, I went back in (with the mail) and got myself the Amdro. Came out and shook a load on the nest. I went into the backyard with the intention of putting some on the mound in the backyard (which I'd looked at in the morning and seemed to be inactive,) and found a brand new mound since this morning next to the tree stump! More amdro.

Of course, this necessitated standing next to the pool, and I noticed for the second time that the Polaris' bag was chockablock full. So, I pulled him out of the pool, took off the bag, emptied it out, re-assembled it and threw him into the pool. While I was cleaning the pool filter stuff, I had to, of course, pull out the filter basket and empty it.

Then, I thought that I'd pull the hose out of the pool and reel it back up, but then, I thought first about re-arranging the potted plants, as the two hibiscus weren't doing so well and needed more direct sunlight. So, that was done, and I decided to water all the plants with the hose before I wound it up.

How to run through a half-hour doing simple things that need doing.

I wanted to wash the car today, but that didn't get done. Now, I need to run and fill up the distilled water bottles, as they're all empty. Maybe tomorrow morning.

In going through all of these files, I can really connect with that I just don't have a lot to do. I need more work to work on; I function better with good stuff in front of me all the time. Bleh. I really need to kick up my business production. I keep thinking that if I'd just have an effective helper, I could get to executing on my various schemes - that's just no longer going to be a good excuse for me.

Somehow, my back is killing me tonight. Yarg. I want to move these printers into a different space. Maybe this weekend, I'll do that.

I have to take the trash outside and put it in the bin; I am always asleep when they roll up in the mornings. I have two big bags of shredded stuff, plus the regular household trash.

I think I'm done with the computer for a while; I'm going to go downstairs and watch a DVD.

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