Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday whirlwind

Let's start by posting the links to a BUNCH of blogs that I found very interesting today.

Lisa chastised me severely for emailing (or paying attention to) the "condemn the brand" blog I forwarded around last week, so I have to be more careful.

This first one is here - the truth about bin laden and the Clinton administration.

The next one is a history lesson. How Iraq came to be Iraq in the first place. Talk about deja vu.

Here is one that discusses our relations with two of the "stans," and how we're promoting human rights abuses.

This next one is quite important and interesting - how privatization of government was pawned off on us, and how it hasn't worked.

Other than that, my whirlwind has taken all the support out of my sails tonight. I'm just .. wiped. I have a ton of stuff to do this weekend, yet and am

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