Thursday, June 29, 2006

No one has caller ID?

I'm watching another anthology of gay short films; more tortured young homosexuals, and no one has caller ID. It's bizarre. And, why is everyone in these films 24 years old? Most of the 24 year olds that I know haven't the emotional or intellectual depth to fill a tea cup, let alone to engage in complex human interactions. Are we gay people so afraid of age and average that we can only depict ourselves through tight bodied children? The only old gay people that I've seen in a movie are either campy and ridiciulous (Nathan Lane in Birdcage) or they're intensely self-destructive (Fighting Tommy Riley) or psychotic killers.

Day two of zero motivation this week. What do to? I guess it's a weekend of working.

Ruby goes into the shop to have her interior trim pieces fixed next week. She really needs it.

I can't get Quicken to open up to save my life. Annoying.

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