Thursday, June 29, 2006

The feeling of deju-vu

Most of the people I know don't remember diddly-squat about the Kent State "Massacre" (which only resulted in four deaths, but they were unarmed, non-violent students.) I was only twelve years old when it happened; my cousin Anne was attending Kent State at the time, and I adored her, so the events left a sharp note in my memory logs.

Here, you can read up (if you're so motivated) on what HAPPENED, both before, during and after. This will read very much like the Bush administrations' take on people who protest the Iraq war, people who speak out against it, and what could easily happen again.

So, if you think this is more liberal ranting on my part, so be it. You can ignore these tantalizing hyperlinks and just keep on keeping on - worrying about whether Brittany is going to have a boy or a girl, or whether that thing between Ashton and Demi is for real, or for show. Then, when some over-zealous troops or police shoot up a non-violent protest somewhere in this country, you can remember "I told you..." and maybe, just MAYBE come back and read them.

Or not. I expect not.

Prelude to Kent State: Nixon Invades Cambodia
Call Out the National Guard: May 1-3, 1970, at Kent State
"They Just Started Shooting Us Down" -- Kent State
"They Should Have Shot Them All" -- Kent State Aftermath
"Inexcusable": Investigating Kent State
Guardsmen Go on Trial: Kent State
"Blood on my Hands": Kent State Civil Trials

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