Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 734.01

Interesting day - I spent nearly three hours on the phone today with a client about a job that they want done; it's something I've been expecting to be assigned since early December. I need to write up a proposal and scope of work then send it off. Tonight just won't happen, though - I'm just wiped out.

Went today (for lunch) and drove a VW Jetta TDI. It was a great little car. It seemed to be more than adequate; the one I drove had some cool features. It was getting 33.6 mpg according to the trip computer.

However, I think I'd just soldier on with Ruby rather than spend $26000 on a car. Ruby needs a little more attention, unfortunately, some of that would best be done by T, who is about as unreliable as anyone else.

Tonight, my head is just splitting. Don't know why. I'm going to take these dogs out in a few minutes here and then hit the sack early. I have a big day tomorrow, and lord, I'm falling behind faster and faster. As Robyn said, I seem to be overcommitted.

Hoo, I have two term papers to write this week, a visit to a hospice to make, four "client" treatment plans to write, tomorrow night's class to prepare for, tax returns to crank out.

I am very excited about our New Vision garage sale at the end of April. I have a TON of stuff that I'm going to clear out and sell. I am just sure that the group can raise all of the money necessary to move into this new space through this garage sale. I can feel it in my heart.

Today, I got the Fabulair trademark certificate from the US Government in the mail. Pretty cool stuff. I worked on the Cafe Press site tonight, and then begged for help from the more technically proficient on my "team."

Tom is going to work on some of the back office and techincal functions of the Fabulair website, which is just SO wonderful. I should email him and ask him if he can do some of the adobe work that I need done about a month ago.

Since I can't get anyone else to do it.

Okay, so I'm going to walk the mutts, and crawl into bed early. I think that this headache is sinus related, since it's abated after pumping a bunch of Tylenol and decongestant into it, but I'm still feeling yucky.

1 comment: said...

I will bring you some X-clear, an herbal nasal spray that just works wonders on sinus headaches and sinusitis. And it is harmless to the immune system. Please take care of yourself. And damn it, ask for help from the troops at New Vision whenever possible...Please, please, please. Like me, your head can deal with a lot more possibilities than the body can keep up with. Love you, dear. K