Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 661.01

Ah, a rainy, peaceful, very quiet Martin Luther King Jr. day ..

One more mass of paperwork to sort through today; I’ve gotten most of what’s on my list for today done already.

I have planned to FINALLY complete my vision poster for 2006 tonight.  I have everything over behind me, waiting to go up on the board.  Glue stick at the ready.  Sheesh.  Can’t believe it’s taking me this long.  Then, I have to figure out WHERE I’m going to put it.  Blah.

Had an amusing exchange with Nick today, by accident.  I was talking to Carlos, who intended to share with me an email he had sent to Nick for my amusement.  I read it, and replied – I thought – to Carlos, and it went, of course, to Nick.  Which I find hilarious.

Today, for the first time in a long time, Nick called, IM’d and emailed.  He wants to know who my comments are directed toward.  Hello?  Person most in need of a clue?

Here’s what I said:

I'm just going to sit here and say nothing.
Okay, f%*k it - you deserve better.  WAAY better.  Like someone with an education, a career, moral standards, nasty, fulfilling sex and who adores you 24/7, not just when it's Manipulation Monday.

Of course, I was saying this to Carlos.  

So, Nick – I don’t need to have my beads read by a 28 year old, chronically unemployed, uneducated manipulator.  I don’t need to hear you tell me over the phone that you’re upset, or you’re angry, or you’re hurt – because I don’t think you have feelings, except as a tool to manipulate the persons around you to get what you want.  A person who actually had feelings wouldn’t behave in the way I’ve observed you behave – without jumping off a bridge from self-loathing.  

Carlos, whom you long portayed as a psychotic stalker, seems to be an erudite, thoughtful, considerate man who can carry on conversations about things that don’t involve you.  He remembers what a person is thinking about, working on, concerned about – and then he asks questions to learn how things are going with the other person.  He gives thought to the experience of the people he interacts with.  This is something I’ve never witnessed in you since we met in person.

So – go on about your merry way, and Godspeed.  I have no further use for discussion with you, as it will add nothing to my life.

End of open letter to Nick.

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