Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hump day - screwed, I guess

When I get like this, I just don't see an upside. I worked on next year's tax business today, wrote (lovingly) to the clients who owe me money, tried to prod Nicholas into listing something on eBay, and set him up to call the education providers in Texas for me.

No progress was had in any direction.

Interestingly, there is no external pressure mounting on me; it's all internal. And, my trust is just shot.. why? I so often have success; why is my confidence shot all of a sudden?

Nick went off to buy cigarettes; he's since called to say that he's hooking up with Shelley to .. some excuse. He won't be back until tomorrow, I'm sure.

So, what's next? It seems that the mortgage business is gone for me; nothing's coming in. Tax time doesn't start for another eight weeks. Clearly these text books aren't going anywhere.

I just feel stuck. Stuck, stuck, stuck.

And, I'm ready to just sack out. Not like it matters.

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