Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday evening ..

Well! It's FINALLY happened! Ruby's stereo is where it should have been all along! Matticia and T worked on her ALL day, and it's fabulous! She's dirty as all get-out, but she SOUNDS fabulous! Just waiting for XM to update her newly installed receiver, and .. WOOF! It looks awesome, and T discovered that one can indeed hook up a laptop to the USB cable and play it through the stereo system. WOW.

I could just dance a jig.

Now, to sell all the OnStar stuff on eBay (which will test my description writing skills) and then, I'm DONE.

Well, except for repainting. Or something.

Two new accounting/tax clients tomorrow, and five loans to submit. I think I'll be up early.

Now, Matticia and I are headed out to Ninfa's for dinner with Lance & Steve. YAY!

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