Monday, August 15, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 635.01

So, yesterday, I toddled off to church leaving N8 here on the sofa, with the understanding that I'd be back to go to lunch around 1:00. He wasn't here when I got back, but there was a message telling me he'd gone to the restaurant around the corner, and that I should call him so we could "hang out."

His phone had been discontinued (rolls eyes) and I was late, so I ran over to Barnaby's to meet my friends for lunch. I came home from there, walked the dogs around the restaurant I thought he was meaning, didn't see him, came home, left a note on the door and the door unlocked and then took a nap.

At about 6:00, I'm sitting here at the computer (which still makes me very happy) and I see him coming up the sidewalk, headed for the vehicle gate. He comes in, and he's MAD. I explained to him where I had been and that I'd been trying to reach him and .. he's MAD. Drunk, of course.

After a few minutes, it's time for sex (it seems) which went on from 6:30 until NINE O'CLOCK. Good lord, I haven't done that in years. Then, conversation (which is sort of like trying to have a sword fight using a blunt spoon) until nearly 01:00 and then I went to bed. He must have conked out right after, and he's still asleep. He thinks that gay people are straight people who have a lack of attention in their lives, and he insisted a number of times that 'I'm not gay.' Whatever, Mary Francis, you suck like a champion and I just fcuked you twice.

He has a lot of anger issues.

Anyway, he said something about having $15,000 to invest in a business and he's asked about Fabulair a few times. Oh, the little voice inside me says "Danger, Will Robinson," but it does give me something to think about.

I have a TON of work to do today, not the least of which is washing the sheets on the bed.

Oh, that bed - I sleep SO much better on it. I can't even begin to tell you.

This morning, my blood glucose was 280 - TWO EIGHTY, I tell you. I think this new medication is helping. It was 301 yesterday, and 354 the day before that.

I'm still not going back to ice cream, though.

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