Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesday - work and meetings consume my brain

Meeting with CP to work on our mortgages in an hour; organizing things around the office until then.

Had an email note from Philip yesterday morning telling me that he'd be in a seminar downtown, and likely away from the apartment in the evening. Then, he didn't come home last night. Personally, I think he's getting his groove on with the girl he went to see on Saturday.

An interesting note from N8 yesterday; he resurfaced after having been totally in hiding since telling me that he wanted to explore his sexuality. Seems his parents' home has been foreclosed and all of his stuff is gone. While I sympathize with his situation, it does suggest that he REALLY went underground after busting loose with a revelation about his sexual fantasies. I mean, how could you miss being evicted?

Buying a desk today - it's in Dallas, and it won't come in for another couple of weeks when I go up there with a friend and a truck and pick it up. I'm trying to conceptualize how to arrange the furniture here in the den for the best arrangement.

I really need to get all of the office stuff into this one room, and have it readily accessible. I don't have time to work on that today, but this week.

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