Monday, July 04, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 633.01

Happy National Delusional Day! With fireworks! You could also call it "Happy Values That We No Longer Observe Day!

Slept in, slept a lot, felt better, got most of my computer work done, baked bread, still way behind the curve as to what I have intended to accomplish, having been sick all day Sunday.

Note to file: If you're going to get sick, go to St. Joseph's emergency room. They're fabulous.

E is back home, Sean is stuck in B'sville with PJ, Mikey's celebrating the departure of TRB (episode 16,) and I have a fully jam packed week lined up. Have calls and documents to make up tomorrow, then three meetings back to back, and class tomorrow night.

Have to scrape up the money to see the doctor; at the ER Saturday night, the doctor asked a bazillion questions about why my blood chemistry was so far off .. was I doing drugs, gaining weight, changed eating/sleeping patterns? Stress? Mikey busted out laughing. Uh, yeah. Stress.

Anyway, we'll see what gets done this week.

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